CAN Meetings
Anyone can attend a CAN meeting, but only general members have voting privileges. General members are anyone who lives or owns a business or property in Ward 8. We hold general meetings as well as Executive planning meetings; both are open to anyone who wishes to attend.
Meeting Schedule
The Ward 8 CAN holds general membership meetings and Executive planning meetings on the third Wednesday of the month during select months of the the year; we typically do not hold meetings in July, August, and December.
Meeting Announcements
- Our yearly meeting schedule is usually posted to our website in January of each new year. In 2021, we held meetings exclusively via Zoom, and are currently continuing to do so in 2022.
- General meetings: General meetings are announced in a number ways, including via email and through social media. For major meetings like Town Halls and our Annual General Meeting, we also issue local media releases. Based on yearly funding availability, they may also be announced via flyer distributions to households.
- Executive meetings: Confirmation of Executive meetings are sent to our Executive members and other interested parties. These meetings are usually held as per the yearly schedule, but some meetings may be planned based on the availability of Executive members or the urgency of a particular situation. These meetings are open to all CAN members; to be informed via email of the next Executive meeting, send an email to [email protected], asking to be notified of these meetings.
Meeting Agendas
Agendas and information for all meetings are normally posted on the website at least one week prior to the meeting in our Upcoming Events section.
Meeting Notes
All general and special meeting notes are posted on our website as soon as they are available. We attempt to post draft notes within two weeks of each meeting, but this timing may vary based on volunteer workload.
Executive meeting notes are circulated to the Executive for planning purposes and are not posted on our website.
Notes of Meetings
The CAN began meeting in 2012 but notes for 2012 are not available. Any month that does not have notes for a specific month means that no general meeting was held.
Starting in 2016, our CAN began holding community engagement opportunities as an alternative to holding general meetings - going to places where people already congregate to get feedback on their priorities, and holding information gathering sessions. Formal notes were not compiled for these sessions.
Meeting Notes March 21, 2013
Meeting Notes April 24, 2013
Meeting Notes May 29, 2013
Meeting Notes October 16, 2013
Meeting Notes November 20, 2013
Meeting Notes January 22, 2014
Meeting Notes February 19, 2014
Meeting Notes March 19, 2014
April 16, 2014: Memorial for Fabio Belli
Meeting Notes May 21, 2014
Meeting Notes June 18, 2014
Meeting Notes September 17, 2014
October 22, 2014: Ward 8 Municipal Candidates Town Hall - no notes taken
Meeting Notes November 19, 2014
Meeting Notes January 21, 2015
Meeting Notes February 18, 2015
Meeting Notes March 18, 2015
Meeting Notes April 15, 2015
Meeting Notes May 20, 2015 and Emergency Management Presentation
Meeting Notes October 21, 2015
Meeting Notes January 20, 2016
April 25: Community outreach session at Twin Forks; no notes
May 18: Community outreach session at Westmount; no notes
Oct 19: Budget 2017 Public Information Session - no notes taken
February 15, 2017 Annual General Meeting
Meeting Notes November 22, 2017
AGM Meeting Notes February 21 2018 ; AGM Presentation 2018 ; Ward 8 AGM Presentation - Mayor Brian Bigger
Meeting Notes May 16, 2018
October 11, 2018 - Municipal Election Town Hall - no notes taken
AGM Meeting Notes March 20, 2019; AGM Presentation 2019; Transit Presentation - Michelle Ferrigan, Director of Transit
Meeting Notes September 18, 2019
November 20, 2019 Budget Town Hall Agenda
Ward 8 Budget Town Hall Meeting November 20, 2019 Notes
In 2020, we did not hold general meetings because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Executive meetings moved to a Zoom format, and we moved to informing and gathering input from CAN members via email and social media. Executive planning meetings were held in January, February, March, May, September, and November. Our major meeting for the year was the Ward 8 Budget Town Hall Zoom session that was done in partnership with the City of Greater Sudbury.
Ward 8 Budget Town Hall Zoom Meeting Recording December 10, 2020
In 2021, we again did not hold general meetings because of the Covid-19 pandemic. We held Executive meetings in January, February, March, April, May, June, September and November. Due to timing issues experienced by the City of Greater Sudbury, we were also unable to do our yearly Ward 8 Budget Town Hall.
In 2022, we began holding some public meetings again, although earlier meetings were held via Zoom. We moved to in-person meetings in May.
January 19, February 16 - Executive meetings via Zoom
March 16 General Meeting via Zoom
April 20 - Executive meeting via Zoom
May 18 General Meeting
June 15 General Meeting
September 21 - Executive meeting
October 12 - 2022 Municipal Election Town Hall - in person and via Facebook Live: Part 1 and Part 2 (4 min interruption due to a wireless network issue)
October 16 - General meeting
January 18 - Open Planning Meeting
February 15 - Executive Meeting
March 22 - Annual General Meeting
April 18 - General Meeting and Visioning Session
May 3 - Executive Meeting
June - Visioning Sessions - no minutes taken
September - Executive Meeting
October - Executive Meeting
November - General Meeting