We've raised $268,000 of $380,000. That's 71% of our goal!
Westmount Park Rink Fundraising Campaign
We are raising funds to revitalize the Outdoor Rink to become an all-season multi-purpose space for the community!
In-kind support
(Required Labour/Equipment/Material)
Contact Westmount Neighborhood
Association for details:
[email protected]
We've raised $1,000 of $8,000. That's 13% of our goal!
Twin Forks Community Greenhouse
We are raising funds to complete our greenhouse - running water to the greenhouse, inside amenities, an outside shed, and more!
In-kind support
Contact us to volunteer to help build or provide materials:
[email protected]
705-822-1276 (Rachelle Niemela, project lead)
We've raised $500 of $2,000. That's 25% of our goal!
Twin Forks Community Garden
Want to help fund the 2024 programming we offer at the garden? We maintain the garden, work with local schools and other groups to seed and plant the garden, and have weekly workshops/workbees during the growing season.
In-kind support
Contact us to volunteer to help build or provide materials to maintain or expand our garden:
[email protected]
705-822-1276 (Rachelle Niemela, project lead)
#engagedward8 #funward8
Congratulations to our two winners of gift cards for their festive outdoor holiday displays in our ward! The winners were chosen by draw, and Elie chose to receive a $100 gift card from Giant Tiger and Karen chose a $100 gift card from Pizzeria Roma.
Watch for our 2022 contest coming in December!
New Sudbury Days 2023
#engagedward8 #beautifulward8 #healthyward8 #funward8
Your CAN wants to hear from you! You can help identify and work on projects and actions to help shape our neighbourhoods. Together we can build neighbourhoods that we can all be proud of!
CANs are community volunteers and neighbours who care about the neighbourhoods we live in and want them to be the best they can be. We work with City Staff, Councillors, local businesses, schools, and other organizations on projects that improve our quality of life. Together, we identify needs and priorities, and empower community members to make a difference.
CANs promote inclusive, respectful, and diverse membership and welcome all members of our community to participate and share their voice. Contact us for more information or to get involved.
Projects we’ve worked on include playground enhancements like splash pads and park building renewals, community and pollinator gardens, community art installations, local events and festivals, and trails and safe streets. We’ve held budget and election town halls as well as meetings to gather input on important issues to present to our Councillor and the City. We've helped other community groups get organized, and have worked with many other community partners on projects that benefit the ward and the city.
We live and work in N'Swakamok / Sudbury in Robinson-Huron Treaty territory and on the traditional lands of Atikameksheng Anishnawbek and Wahnapitae First Nation.
Our Community
Our CAN covers all of Ward 8 in New Sudbury, serving over 11,000 people and 4,360 households! Want to make a difference in your neighbourhood? Join us to make our neighbourhoods safe and fun!
We're looking for volunteers for a number of projects and events that we hope to do in 2024!
Contact us if you want to help us with New Sudbury Days, or our community gardens, or helping to enhance our ward and playgrounds. We'd also like to hear from you if you want to lead a project in your Ward 8 neighbourhood - we'd love to help!
Send an email to [email protected] or click on the button below.