Gather at Twin Forks Playground and head out to all sections of the ward that need tender care!
This is typically a morning activity from 9 am to 11 pm on a Saturday either the end of April or the beginning of May, followed by an opportunity to meet neighbours after the activity.
Help keep our community beautiful!
Every year, we hold a spring clean up for the ward in collaboration with the City of Greater Sudbury's Clean-Up Blitz Day. Families gather to help pick up garbage on sidewalks, roads, along ditches, in green spaces, in pathways and in parks.
The City of Greater Sudbury provides vests, gloves and garbage bags, and we provide refreshments and other surprises for the kids!
Do you know a site that is ugly in our Ward?
Help us identify the areas that are garbage prone in our ward, or that need some tender loving care. We want to make our ward a more liveable place for everyone! Send us an email at [email protected].