Ward 8 CAN Meeting Nov. 22, 7 pm, Twin Forks
Next CAN meeting: Wednesday, November 22, 7 pm at Twin Forks on Gary Street.
Come and chat with the City of Greater Sudbury about future plans for Lasalle Boulevard! Can’t come? Provide some feedback with our community survey – just make sure the subject line says “Lasalle Boulevard Corridor Study”: https://ward8sudbury.ca/ward-8-can-survey/
Our agenda:
• Lasalle Corridor Study input session with the City of Greater Sudbury Planning Services
• Input on 2018 CAN Projects (including the Twin Forks splash pad)
• Greater Sudbury Police Service Update
• Ward 8 Councillor Al Sizer update – Update: Councillor Sizer will not be able to attend because of a conflict with a Council meeting that was scheduled on the same date as our meeting