Twin Forks Community Gardens Update
Great news! We have received a TD Friends of the Environment grant to work on expanding our gardens, and we’ve also received a Coalition for a Liveable Sudbury Project Impact grant to work on a Creator Turtle Garden at Twin Forks!
Other great news:
We received a number of vegetable and flower seed packets donated by the gardeners who run the Greater Sudbury Seedy Sunday event.
We are partnering with Elevate, a coalition of local churches who have set aside May 20th and 21st to help us with our garden projects. We plan on building additional beds.
And we will be planting fruit trees at our site, thanks to a grant from the Edible Tree Program at Tree Canada, which was awarded to Eat Local’s Fruit for All Project. That project is partnering with the Greater Sudbury Community Gardens Network, and a number of community gardens, including ours, will be planting fruit trees thanks to that partnership.
The Chair of our Community Gardens Project has visited the Best Start Hub at Churchill Public school to help the kids plant some tomato and marigold seeds. Hopefully those plants will take and we will plant them later on in the season.
Early in May, we will need someone with a truck who can help pick up soil from Lafreniere in the Valley and lumber from the Home Depot. If you know of anyone who is willing to use their truck for these purposes, please let us know. Here is a list of opportunities to help out with the garden:
- Fundraising
- Picking up lumber and soil (mid-May)
- Carpentry skills (to build very simple raised garden beds)
- Digging out a ground level garden in one area
- Planting seedlings and seeds (late May, early June)
- Regular watering – June, July, August
- Creating a sign that recognizes donors to the garden
There is plenty to do as the garden comes along. We currently have 3 large concrete planters plus 2 raised beds. Hopefully we will have two to four more raised beds by the end of the summer depending on labour and material resources. We welcome any and all suggestions as we are all learning as we go. Volunteers are always welcome!
For more information, or to volunteer, contact:
Nancy Deni
Chair, Twin Forks Community Garden
[email protected]